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Water Containment Systems Tips

Read these 5 Water Containment Systems Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pressure Washers tips and hundreds of other topics.

Water Containment Systems Tips has been rated 4.8 out of 5 based on 32 ratings and 1 user reviews.
Can I mix and match stages of my water recycling system?

Can I Mix And Match Vaccum Parts From One Machine to Another?

Water recovery systems come with vacuums, tanks and cleaning stages. If the vacuum stage of your water recycling or recovery system needs repairs, in some cases you can do a replacement with a compatible vacuum system. Be sure the pressure and air flow features of the vacuum match the needs of your water recovery system. It's very important to use a replacement vacuum that is sturdy enough to handle any continuous use. If your replacement isn't up to a long job, you could burn out the vacuum unit through overuse in your water containment system. Does your replacement vacuum have an automatic pump-out system? If not, remember that you may need to take frequent breaks to manually empty the machine.

Are there fluids that should not enter my portable water recovery system?

What Should Not Go Into a Portable Water Recovery System

There are some jobs that are very wrong for portable water recovery systems. Toxic spills may be contained with the pipe or hose used to contain any spill, but don't allow toxic material to enter the recovery system's cleaning stage, unless specifically designed for toxic spills. A portable water recycling system may retain traces of those toxins, which can seep into otherwise clean water processed by your system. Toxic materials should have approved cleanup and disposal methods. Another situation to avoid with a portable water recovery system is cleanup of flammable liquids. The same rules apply to flammables as to toxic liquids, but with the added danger of a fire or explosion if the fumes are ignited by the system's motor. Water recycle systems should only be used to handle the jobs for which they are rated. Your instruction manual will explain the limits for your particular unit.

How does a water recovery system work?

How Does a Water Recovery System Work?

A water recovery system is designed to contain and clean water to make it safe for discharge according to environmental laws. These are often sold as "closed systems" made to work together with a pressure washer system or other water application so the same water be re-used. This closed water recovery system begins with containment, using tubes or hoses that hug the ground to trap the dirty water. The water is sucked into a containment unit, cleaned, then released into a water tank which holds the water until it is reused. These closed water recovery systems can operate quite efficiently, processing up to 20 gallons per minute. Water recycling systems are environmentally-friendly in several ways, especially in drought-stricken areas such as Texas and California, where water conservation is a key issue.

What is a water containment system?

What is a Water Containment System?

Water containment systems are used to capture "fluid waste" and keep it from entering the water table, city sewer systems, or other easily polluted areas. In some cases, a water recovery system or containment system can be as simple as a flexible tube placed all around a particular area, combined with a vacuum system to suck up the water. This is effective for spills, one-off car wash fund raising events and other smaller applications. Depending on the laws in your area, you may need additional equipment such as a water recycle system that removes impurities and makes the water safe to discharge. Be sure to compare the product literature to EPA standards for water recovery to be sure you truly are in compliance with the law. A great place to start is at the EPA website for ground water and drinking water, at Water containment systems also come in more complex models which can be used in industrial applications. If you have a business and are worried about EPA compliance, your first step should be consulting with a water containment system dealer to get some advice based on the specific needs of your business.

Why use a water containment system?

Why Use A Water Containment System?

There are two main reasons why someone would want to use a water containment system. The first and most altruistic of the two is that it helps to protect the environment. What these systems allow you to do is properly dispose of chemical waste and stop it from entering the water supply via the sewage system or the soil in your neighborhood. You can do your part to keep Mother Earth healthy.

Through the use of water recovery systems we can prevent pollution while still enjoying all the benefits that come from using pressure washers.

The second reason why water recovery systems are a good idea is a little more selfish, but it still applies. That reason is of a legal nature. There are city, state and federal laws pertaining to the proper prevention of pollution and disposal of waste. If you allow chemical waste to enter the water supply and surrounding areas of you neighborhood, you could be legally held responsible.

These are two glaring reasons why more people should be using water recovery systems every single day.

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