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How to Power Wash A Roof Tips

Read these 5 How to Power Wash A Roof Tips tips to make your life smarter, better, faster and wiser. Each tip is approved by our Editors and created by expert writers so great we call them Gurus. LifeTips is the place to go when you need to know about Pressure Washers tips and hundreds of other topics.

How to Power Wash A Roof Tips has been rated 3.6 out of 5 based on 410 ratings and 3 user reviews.
Is it safe to power wash my roof?

Safety Guidelines for Pressure Washing your Roof

When operating your power washing equipment wear eye protection, gloves and proper clothing at all times. Test the pressure on a small section and get used to the feel of the force of the jet in your hands. Do not use bleach as it will damage your power washer and the back spray would be landing on your own skin. Use an environmentally safe cleaner instead.

What is the best cleaner to power wash my roof?

Choosing your Power Washing Chemicals

There are several options of cleaners that professionals use to clean your roof, but many include bleach. The disadvantage is that bleach will discolor your walls and siding wherever it streaks down, and will also kill any plant or animal life along the way.

If you are looking to pressure wash the roof yourself, consider using an environmentally safe product such as Biocleanse. This is not only important to protect your house and plants, but also for your personal safety because the inevitable back spray from washing will end up on you as well.

A good quality power washing chemical will reduce total cleaning time. Rinse with plenty of fresh water after you are done.

How often should I pressure wash my roof?

Recommended Frequency to Power Wash your Roof

Power washing your roof will extend its life, and prevent any health hazards from the accumulation of fungus or mildew. Additionally, a moss and fungus covered roof will absorb more heat and therefore increase your utility bills.

The recommended frequency to clean your roof depends on the location of your home. In the northern states roofs can go longer between cleanings but wherever they are exposed to high temperatures and humidity year round, they need to be cleaned at least every three to four years.

Whichever the case, avoid using your power washer if temperatures are near freezing as you may risk damage when the drained water freezes.

What do I need to do before pressure washing my roof?

How to Prepare your Roof for Pressure Washing

The first element to consider is the type of power washer that you will use. A regular pressure washer will do a good job, in particular if you add some useful pressure washer attachments such as a 15-degree spray nozzle and a good quality detergent.

If you are looking to speed up the job, however, you will need a flat surface cleaner. Although at an angle, a roof is in fact a flat surface for power washing purposes.

1. Start by cutting away any overhanging or protruding tree branches to allow the roof to receive plenty of sun and aeration.
2. Remove debris and any obstructions from the gutters and make sure that the water will drain freely.
3. Test the power washer on a small section of the roof to make sure that the pressure is adjusted correctly and the spray will not cause any damage to the roofing material.

Depending on the complexity of the job, hiring a professional pressure washing business may be your best bet.

How do I pressure wash my roof?

How to Pressure Wash your Roof

After following the steps for preparation of the job, proceed in two phases. Water pressure under 2000 psi should be sufficient for a quick and efficient job.

*Begin from a corner of the roof and work your way down, from top to bottom.
* Keep the spray at a 45-degree angle with the surface to avoid gouging and move the nozzle in even strokes at a distance of 8 to 10 inches from the roofing material.
* First power wash the entire surface with an environmentally safe soap to remove mold and fungus.
* Don't let the cleaning solution sit for more than 10 to 15 minutes, particularly if the roof is hot when you are power washing it.
* Next wash everything again with water to remove the grime and residue.
* Finally rinse with plenty of fresh water. If you encounter stubborn stains, attack them with more soap and more water, and if necessary move the power washer over the stain several times.

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