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Things to AVOID when Pressure Washing

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Is there anything I shouldn't do when pressure washing?

Things to AVOID when Pressure Washing

There are some operator pitfalls that you should avoid when using your power washer.

* Don't leave your pressure washer nozzle closed for more than one minute while the pressure washing equipment is still running as it may cause stress to the pump.
* Don't spray brittle surfaces like stucco, or laminar flagstone because it may lift the surface of the material.
* Do not use bleach, as it will damage parts of your pressure washing equipment.
* Do not use hot running water in your cold water pressure washer.
* Avoid spraying windows or glass doors because the force of the jet might break the glass.
* Do not spray light fixtures, flowerbeds or mailboxes.
* Finally, do not leave the pressure washer running unattended.



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