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Pressure Washing a Garage or Service Shop

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Can I use a pressure washer to clean a garage or service shop?

Pressure Washing a Garage or Service Shop

Looking for a good way to maintain your garage or automotive service shop? Here is how you pressure wash a garage.

Get a hot water pressure washer to effectively remove viscose residue from oil and grease. For an even more powerful and faster job, the alternative is to go for a liquid propane or natural gas powered hot water power washer.

Before you start pressure washing make sure to remove all flammable or hazardous materials, check that there is enough ventilation to run the engine and always leave an escape route clear in case of emergency.

If possible, get all the vehicles out before power washing or secure vehicles to prevent them from moving. Follow the safety precautions and manufacturers instructions and always rinse with plenty of hot water.

Don't forget to wear protective eyewear and clothing and wash the clothing after you are done, as well as any skin that came in contact with the backspray from the pressure washing equipment.



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